Infertility · social media

The power of social media!

Hi guys,

I would like to share with you my musings from a tired me on a very early Monday morning…

It’s first thing Monday morning and I’m checking twitter (seems to be a habit of mine these days) it has totally taken over the need to check my personal Facebook, i am all about twitter for my blog these days!

I actually talk to more people on my twitter account, to people i don’t actually know than i do my ‘REAL’ Facebook friends, that i have actually met!

Quick google images of ‘Facebook friends’ and this comes up.. sums it up pretty well i’d say!

Image result for facebook friends meme

The first thing that pops up on twitter is the topic of childless week this week. (Tuesday at 8pm) this week we will be talking about how to cope with childlessness in society. Great topic and one that as a childless person, i don’t generally discuss with friends and family at all.

This is a great chat for me, it acts as an outlet for so many of my thoughts and feelings regarding my life as it is right now.

As I’m writing this. A thought passes through my head, how can I help to make people more aware of childless hour? How many people out there are loosing out on something that is potential helpful and soothing to them! (I’m going to think on that one as much as possible) I have a few ideas.
As if by Fate the next post is talking of the end of ‘baby loss awareness week’, and I feel sad, as someone who lost a baby, and an embryo! (Yes people see that as different) i would have taken an active part to raise awareness. But that thought that crossed my mind just seconds earlier comes back, only this time I’m the one that’s missed out! I didn’t get to take part, to help and be helped, i wish i had seen it a week ago, written a post, reached out to others.

But then another thought crosses my mind.. 

I love that social media is so accessible these days, it is a fab way to raise awareness of issues so many people don’t give a second though to, twitter chats are the same, to speak to so many people about any given shared passion or topic is a great way to connect and feel part of something bigger, it makes you feel like you are making a difference from your small corner of the interweb, it’s just such a shame when you miss out on something that would have bee so worth talking part in! Maybe i am not ‘twittering’ correctly!

If any of my readers have any twitter chats, communities or such like that they love, i would love to know how you heard about them and why you love them!

Have you read my latest posts?

World mental health day. (one i didn’t miss)

Relationship with food – Small steps forward!

I was also nominated for an award where i tagged some of my fellow bloggers, go check out their blogs!!!

The Sunshine blogger award!

For now..

bye bye

12 thoughts on “The power of social media!

  1. I To don’t really bother much with fb now and talk more to people I haven’t met. Your doing a wonderful job raising awareness. IVF is a rough journey. xx


  2. I agree with what you say about Twitter and social media in general. I find Twitter the easiest to use and generally find these national/international days/weeks mentioned a lot in the Trends column. The only other way I think you’d be able to find out about these online events is to follow organisations/groups/peopel associated with topics you’re interested in. They usually then promote the events/chats.


  3. I’m sorry for your losses. I hope you had a lot of support during what I guess must have been a difficult week. Social media is fantastic for bringing people together through a common cause like that. One area that I love social media for is the Intuitive Eating and body positive communities. They have helped me so much.
    V ❤️

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