Infertility · Ivf · lifestyle

Wednesday Ramblings.


Hope you are all enjoying your week, i am aware its only Wednesday but still, be prepared for a rambling post!!

I am (just) crawling over the hump today!! 

Would you like to see an actual real life image of me right now?……..


That right there is how i am feeling!! 

 Why is it that as soon as I put all my winter clothes away the sun hides and the rain descends… seriously it has been two weeks and everything is damp constantly… we have just finished off some new decking in the garden too and still haven’t managed to use it… THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE SUMMER!!!  I found an accurate image of the Great British weather today, for those of you who are overseas, this will help you understand the problem.. and i am NOT exaggerating!


It’s so true that the sun releases happy endorphin’s and I must be running low in my supply of them… I’m beginning to bug myself that I’m so negative ALL the time!
I’m off work next week so this week is feeling like 100 years long.. maybe it is and I’m in some sort of alternative universe where a week is much longer that the one in reality! If so I hope to return to normal life asap!
Week off can’t come quick enough! I have so much that I want to do and a lot is blog related…. one of which is getting some blogging veterans to read mine and give me some feedback.. so if your out there I would really appreciate it!!

So here’s my blogging to do list so far…

  • Look in to starting an Instagram account not sure if it’s worth it or not!! (Advice welcome)
  • Use Facebook blog account more.. without accidentally posting things to personal account. (Like I have done multiple times already)
  • Plan and write some posts to have ready to publish as and when needed.
  • Write two articles about early menopause and infertility for different online magazine.. plannings done its just the typing up to do!
  • Connect with some other bloggers (fertility or otherwise)
  • Think about changing the look of my blog.. more accessible and content!
  • Do training needed to work as fertility volunteer for fertility network U.K.
  • Take more blog related pictures and share them with you guys.
  • Work on launching my own fertility forum!

AND a ton of family stuff and a bit of DIY mixed in! Which I MIGHT share with you depending on how well it goes!!
That’s the other thing I need to think about… I started this blog to talk about fertility and early menopause but It seems to be flowing over into normal life stuff and need to decide if that’s something I want to do or not.. or even if people are interested!!

But that is all part of a life after IVF has finished.. so I guess that might be helpful for people to read… thoughts would be greatly appreciated! I feel like I’m at a bit of a cross roads right now and hoping this week off will help me get things a bit clearer!

In other news….

I have also started reading the book i mentioned in my weekly goals post… ‘Don’t sweat


the small stuff’ by Richard Carlson. Its fab so far and it really is helping me put in to

perspective how little some of the things that give me anxiety really are… so far i would

absolutely recommend it to anyone who feels overwhelmed/anxious or just generally who let life run away with you.. don’t we all sometimes?

Before i go….

Yesterday a close personal friend of mine started a new blog.. like me she has struggled with anxiety and depression and is trying to find her way through it all with the help of writing her feelings down, she made the first step by posting her first blog post, take a look, its a great insight into how someone with anxiety and depression views the world around them… read it here!!  

Looking forward to updating you on how my weekly goals are going this week… its much harder than expected!!

bye bye






7 thoughts on “Wednesday Ramblings.

  1. Can’t offer Instagram advice as I don’t like that it’s restricted to mobile use (I use my phone enough as it is, and like my laptop for photo stuff, personally) plus I don’t have Facebook 🙂

    But I can offer advice as a blogger of almost 9 years that going beyond your primary focus can be really interesting to readers – I started my blog back in 2008 just before my father died as a way to get out my thoughts on that, then it became an eco-blog, and then i went public and it became my eco-, career-, IVF- and more – and I’ve met such a diverse group of people because of it. I love reading what makes a person beyond their infertility – helps us all remember it doesn’t define us 🙂

    And LOVED “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” – my old boss gave that to our team many years ago when it was first popular and I found it really helpful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your comment my love! Very interesting to hear where your blog has come from… you have given me food for thought for sure, there are some great people out there that I have connected with so far, all very supportive!
      It’s fabulous so far.. I love to really challenge myself and I think changing my thought habits will be a great way to a norw positive life!!! Glad to hear it helped you!!!


  2. Fertility forum sounds really good since there are various infertility causes and a perfect platform to share which otherwise is so difficult.


    1. Yeah. And what I really want is for it not to involve IVF talk.. it can be so if putting for people who are getting over failed ivf or who can’t have it for whatever reason to see everyone’s baby news or pregnancy news… just a safe space to talk and get support!

      Liked by 1 person

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